CryptoListing™ — Full Payment Gateway Integration goes live today!
We at UBITQUITY are adding cryptocurrency payment links (120+ supported cryptocurrencies including stablecoins) to all properties on starting today now that we have title/escrow companies working with us via our F.A.S.T. program.
Transactions are handled securely via our UbitquityPay™ payment gateway. All title/escrow companies are onboarded as merchants via our payment portal. People/companies can pay with their private wallets for those who hold their own keys or via Coinbase, Okcoin, and over 110 worldwide banks for cryptocurrency/cash hybrid transactions!
Listing on CryptoListing™ is 100% free. Pay from only 0.97%* for the total value of the real estate/rental property transaction. SIGN UP HERE.
Questions? Email or fill out our user-friendly TypeForm here.
We are revolutionizing the real estate listing and buying experience: ONE BLOCK AT A TIME®.
(* Some jurisdictions may have slightly higher fees depending on market factors. Does not include any title/escrow fees and applicable taxes in your region.)