BREAKING: UBITQUITY, LLC officially chooses Proton for their Non-Fungible Title™ utility token

2 min readMar 13, 2023


We have officially chosen Proton ($XPR@ProtonXPR) for our Non-Fungible Title™ utility token.

This will be in addition to our support for Polygon which is currently live.

Our decision is based on the feedback from the Twitter community. We had a poll running for seven days which asked: “Should we create a utility token, traded on public exchanges, created for our Non-Fungible Title™ platform (subject to US regulatory compliance & legal review by our US counsel)?”

58.6% voted Yes.

27.6% voted No.

5.2% voted I don’t know.

8.6% voted “What’s a ‘utility token?”’

We anticipate the Proton token to be implemented into Non-Fungible Title™ for Q2 2023! The token creation is subject to a legal opinion letter by our outside counsel, however I am fully confident there will be no issues.

Look forward to a press release on this matter in the coming days.

Note: Ubitquity has been a Proton partner since September 2020. Proton is a preferred payment provider for our products and services.


Nathan Wosnack

Founder & CEO





Ubitquity, LLC was founded on September 15, 2015. We are based out of Wilmington, Delaware, USA, with staff, an advisory board, and partners located worldwide.